Anti-circunvention Review | Stainless Steel
Conclusion of the anti-circumvention review with the extension of the definitive anti-dumping duty applied to Brazilian imports of flat-rolled products of austenitic stainless steels and martensitic stainless steels from China.
5/27/20241 min read

We inform that today (May 27, 2024), GECEX Resolution No. 594/2024 was published, concluding the anti-circumvention review with the extension of the definitive anti-dumping duty applied to Brazilian imports of flat-rolled products of austenitic stainless steels in the 200 series and martensitic stainless steels type 410, cold-rolled (NCMs 7219.32.00, 7219.33.00, 7219.34.00, 7219.35.00, and 7220.20.90) originating from or imported from China, for a period equal to its duration, to be collected in the form of a specific rate set in US dollars per ton, amounting to USD 629.44/t for all companies.