Antidumping Investigation - Austenitic stainless-steel pipes

Initiation of an investigation to investigate the existence of dumping in exports from India's and Chinese Taipei's exports to Brazil of austenitic stainless-steel pipes


5/8/20241 min read

We inform that SECEX initiated, through Circular No. 17 of May 6, 2024, an investigation to verify the existence of dumping in India's and Chinese Taipei's exports to Brazil of austenitic stainless-steel pipes, commonly classified under subitem 7306.40.00 and 7306.90.20 of the Common Mercosur Nomenclature - NCM, and injury to the domestic industry resulting from this practice.

The relative dumping margin, for the purposes of initiating the investigation, is 35,9% for India and 39% for Chinese Taipei.

Selected exporters and importers will receive questionnaires from DECOM, which are not yet available, and will have 30 days to respond, with the possibility of an extension for an additional 30 days if requested.

Other parties have until May 28, 2024, to apply for their qualification as interested parties in the process.

M&W Trade has extensive experience in trade remedy cases and is available to analyze this issue and provide the necessary assistance.