Antidumping Investigation - Nebulizers
Initiation of an investigation to investigate the existence of dumping in China's exports to Brazil of nebulizers
5/17/20241 min read

On August 28, 2024, the Brazilian Foreign Trade Secretariat ("SECEX") initiated an investigation, through Circular No. 45 of August 27, 2024, to verify the existence of dumping in exports of hypodermic needles from China to Brazil, classified under subheading 9018.32.19 of the MERCOSUR Common Nomenclature (NCM), and the injury to the domestic industry resulting from this practice.
The relative dumping margin, for the purpose of initiating the investigation, was 261.7%.
The dumping analysis considered the period from January to December 2023. The damage analysis considered the period from January 2019 to December 2023.
Interested parties have until September 17, 2024, to request their qualification in the proceeding.
M&W Trade has extensive experience in trade defense cases and is available to further analyze this matter.