Antidumping | Steel Pipes
Extension of the definitive anti-dumping duty, for a period of up to 5 years, applied to Brazilian imports of seamless carbon steel pipes (line pipe), with a diameter of up to five inches, originating in China and Romania.
7/25/20231 min read

The Executive Management Committee (GECEX) of CAMEX approved, at its 205th Ordinary Meeting held on July 18, 2023, the application of a definitive antidumping duty, for a period of up to 5 (five) years, to Brazilian imports of seamless carbon steel pipes (line pipe), with a diameter of up to five inches, commonly classified in sub-item 7304.19.00 of the Mercosur Common Nomenclature - NCM, originating in China and Romania to be collected in the form of a specific rate fixed in US dollars in the amounts of US$ 743.00 per ton for China and US$ 75.11 per ton for Romania, according to GECEX Resolution No. 497, of July 21, 2023, published today in the Federal Official Gazette.