Antidumping | Hard Gelatine Capsules
Definitive antidumping duty applied to Brazilian imports of empty hard gelatin capsules, originating from the USA and Mexico.
5/10/20231 min read
The Executive Management Committee (GECEX) of CAMEX approved, at its 203rd Ordinary Meeting held yesterday (05/09), the imposition of definitive antidumping duties, for a period of up to 5 (five) years, on Brazilian imports of empty hard gelatin capsules, commonly classified under subitem 9602.00.10 of the Common Nomenclature of Mercosur - NCM, originating from the United States of America (USA) and the United Mexican States (Mexico), to be collected in the form of a specific duty fixed in US dollars per thousand units in amounts ranging from US$ 0.67 to US$ 2.13 per thousand units, according to GECEX Resolution No. 470, of May 9, 2023.
The public interest evaluation, initiated by SECEX Circular No. 77, of November 9, 2021, has been concluded without suspension or modification of the definitive antidumping duty.
This measure does not apply to soft gelatin capsules, dry powder inhaler capsules (IPS), fish gelatin hard capsules, and plant-based hard gelatin capsules (HPMC capsules).